The importance of Immunisations
Immunisations are provided at all primary care practices and are one of the most important services they provide. Immunisation has led to the decline of many lethal diseases including meningococcal B meningitis.
Flu and Covid Vaccines – 2021
We are pleased to see the enthusiasm in our community for vaccination against influenza and COVID 19. Unfortunately, we are completely reliant on the Ministry of Health and local DHBs to determine the timing of vaccine rollouts. We will be communicating to our patients via regular emails as the phased Flu and Covid-19 vaccine rollout progresses.
COVID-19 vaccinations – now at HealthZone Medical
The Pfizer Covid vaccine
Every New Zealander over the age of 16 will be entitled to two Comirnaty Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines, given at least 3 weeks apart. From our own experience the vaccinations are very well tolerated, and we highly recommend them.
Covid-19 vaccination now available at our clinic!!!
We are now an approved Covid-19 vaccination centre, since 24 July 2021
For further information on how to make a booking eligibility and priority processes, see our Covid-19 vaccination page.
The bottom line is that we want our patients to all be offered the vaccine and encourage you to take it up as soon as possible when you are offered it, regardless of where you need to attend for it. The sooner we all get vaccinated the safer we all will be. There is nothing you must do at this stage – you will be contacted when it is your turn.
Further information
For more information about the pFizer (Comirnaty) vaccine please visit the following sites:
Flu vaccinations:
Flu vaccinations is as follows:
1. Eligible – over 65 years – with a newly developed Fluad Quad vaccine which has much improved protection (>65%) in this age group against flu, hospital admission and pneumonia than normal flu vaccines (protection around 11%).
We are keen to vaccinate as many of the 65 + year old age group as quickly as possible, so that this group can subsequently have the COVID -19 vaccine when it becomes available. There ideally should be needs to be a 14-day gap between the flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
2. Eligible – 3yrs to 64 years who have medical conditions which make them more vulnerable to flu (e.g.– those with cancer, heart disease, asthma, autoimmune conditions, etc.) for the Afluria Quad flu vaccine.
3. Eligible younger children (aged 6-35 months) for Afluria Junior flu vaccination for those high-risk youngsters.
4. Non-eligible or private (not funded) for Afluria Quad flu vaccine
Measles Vaccinations
It is still critically important for everyone aged between 15 and 30 years to check that they have had 2 MMR vaccinations and if not to visit HealthZone Medical to get protected for free.